The Sheffield Schools’ Tech Hub strongly advocates the implementation of student Digital Leaders in all schools. Digital Leaders help to drive digital transformation, expedite the speed of change and support both students at staff in their use of new technologies. For the students themselves, it offers opportunities for them to expand their personal skills and to hone high levels of digital competence. Read the information below for more information.
Digital Leaders are students who have an interest, expertise or enthusiasm for using online technologies. They do not need to be experts but they will need to confidently explore new tech and be able to inspire others in using it. This is an opportunity to be much more than a ‘computer monitor’; it is a role in which they can inspire both their peers and also their teachers.
Enthusiasm about online tech.
Many Digital Leaders are often not the students you might expect them to be. You may, initially, focus on those who are already vocal or involved in other types of tech such as robotics or coding. However, being a Digital Leader requires not just an interest in a wide range of online tools but also the ability to share working knowledge of the tools with others. These students can come from a diverse range of academic backgrounds and any previous or current skills in using other types of tech are not necessarily important.
Schools that are members of the Sheffield Schools’ Tech Hub have access to materials in the member section to contracts, job adverts, material and other resources to help get you started.
Confidence, content for UCAS reference, an online portfolio, development of interpersonal skills, deeper understanding of online tools, resilience, fun, opportunities to work with others they may not have otherwise (teachers, peers, parents); the list goes on…
As educators, we know that when we teach someone something, we gain a greater understanding of that topic. Student Digital Leaders, by leading and teaching others, will be able to utilise and embed any new knowledge in their own learning.
Sheffield Girls’ has been recognised as successful leaders in the implementation of student Digital Leaders. As featured in this article by The Times the team is always looking at ways it can support and develop not just the digital skills of their teachers but also how to improve their learning.
The Digital Leaders at Sheffield Girls’ produce the e-zine TECHNOPOLIS which contains a variety of tech related topics as well as ideas on how to embed online tools into learning.
Many of the team have also studied for, and passed, the Google Certified Education Level 1 exam which is intended for teachers. By acquiring the skills required by teachers they are in a strong position to support and ‘teach the teachers’. Take a look at this TECHNOPOLIS article, written by a Digital Leader, which celebrates this achievement: Becoming a Google Certified Educator; My Journey.